
I'm missing a lot of my life's important events here in my blog. I will try to have time writing posts about it once I'm workfree. Med school is something really hard. :/ I can't even find myself, I've got a lot to study on and I haven't started. Wish me luck!
Pissed bigtime! Ugh!
You don't tell me things that's obviously not true. Plus your annoying loud voice. Argh!


And so my first year in Medicine already started..

During the first days of this post-graduate school, professors/doctors would ask opinions of why we entered med school. I think I have the dumbest plain and simple reason of all. I was forced to do so. Probably not forced because I was given the option to pursue it or not. And it was just ridiculous that I somehow based my decision on a few signs I asked God. I won't tell what those signs were, but He gave it to me. I would be the most hard-headed man if I didtn't pursue it. And maybe it's the encouragement from the people around me that took part a lot to my decision in pursuing Medicine. They always say that I can do it and that I am smart enough to be a doctor and all that. Not to brag, but yeah I somehow believe them but what is lacking in me is the drive and determination to reach my goals. I have always been a happy-go-lucky guy when it comes to stuff like this one. And that I somehow see myself as the jack-of-all-trades, that I will always succeed in my chosen field regardless of how much capable I am or not. Maybe it's a Gemini thing! 

Aside from the cliche that I wanted to help the people and treat them using my own capabilities, there's just one thing, I chose to become a doctor for the reason that I don't want to be powerless when the time comes that my loved ones get into age. Of course, people get old and that's inevitable. I wanted to have some sort of assurance that somebody (a doctor), who has to be, will take good care of them when they get old. And you can't keep me from thinking on how things go in this world. There is that 'added respect' to doctors, and one way or another, that respect would be of benefit to your family. That's how life goes here. 

At the moment, I don't know if I would be able to surpass my first year in Med. The volume that we have to study for a day equals that for a major exam in pre-med course. But I have no choice but to surpass and reach this goal. I wouldn't want all those investments that my family have been putting in me to go nothing. All I have to do is believe, have faith and do my part. 

I just wanted to quote this statement from a new classmate of mine. I think she said it pretty well.

"The massive volume we have to study is overwhelming and somehow discouraging... Nonetheless, I feel that these difficulties should be faced with a sense of gratitude for the opportunity to become a doctor one day. :)" - Monique Malvar


You always get me with those little things you do whenever I'm losing hope on you..


I was kinda bothered by the scene I was watching earlier in the train (MRT) on my way home. There was a guy of my age (or younger) sitting on the opposite side in front of me. He was on his earphones listening from his phone. Since I was right infront of him, I get to notice that the man sitting beside him is whispering to his ear. I don't really look at people when I ride the train but these two is getting so much of my attention. How I wish I just entered the next door of the train. Then I notice that the man, which is a gayman, is trying to wrap his arm on the guy's arm but the guy refuses and gets his arm away from the gayman. Then I see the gayman whispering something. 'He' was even removing the guy's earphone so that 'he' could be heard. I didn't get to hear what the gayman's saying since I got my earphones on too but it was obvious that 'he's' trying to control the guy. I can see the guy's face and it was sad. Then I see a lot of whispering made by the gayman to the guy and the guy was just staring blankly on the floor. The gayman's face was annoying I swear.
Seriously, I felt pity for the guy. The gayman acts as if 'he' owns the guy and that 'he' can do whatever 'he' likes, whenever and wherever. Flirty gays should vanish! I have nothing against gays but an act like this in public is unacceptable. Then I started to wonder that I told myself 'There are many people in the train and I'm pretty sure that I'm not the only one who sees the two, but am I the only one who cares? I mean don't they give a damn on that? Or they're just quiet inside like what I'm doing."
It was sad, seeing the guy's face. He is not happy. I just pity him that he engaged on a situation like that. If it was for money, there are a lot of ways to earn money. He has a choice, and it's just sad that he made the wrong choice.We all know that a lot of this happens around but seeing one is worse. How I wish we were all born fortunate. :(
To all people on the same situation with that guy, all the best!


'Stay hungry, stay foolish' this suddenly popped in my mind. Now I find myself watching Steve Jobs' Commencement Speech for the second time. It's been more than a year when I got to watch it. It feels good to hear it again. Goosebumps. Steve Jobs, you'll always be remembered.
2 movies I've watched recently..


One of the best romantic films I've seen. It was very heartfelt. I actually cried on the scene where John is reading his letter for his dad who is then sick and dying. :'( But the most awesome of all the scenes was this conversation between John and Savannah. As far as I can recall it goes like..

John: Why didn't you call? Why didn't you call on me? I mean if I not deserved anything more explanation than a letter?
Savannah: Just hearing your voice, I would have changed my mind.

Seriously, those words uttered by Savannah meant everything. John must be really flattered. lol


The film was good and very entertaining! Well it's about sex, but you can get more than that, the feeling when he/she is the right one for you. That true love precedes sex all the time. And that Love is about being yourself.

"You are perfect, but maybe not perfect for me. I'm not perfect for you." you know the usual, shit happens?