
I AM looking forward for a broken family

A few minutes ago.. yea just few minutes ago, I and my sis had a confrontation with my biological father and his 2 sibs. we were really shocked! in the first place, we weren't expecting any visitors then suddenly they came, pretending that they care and hiding their obvious real intentions.. i don't know exactly what they're after but i only believe in one thing and that is 'i hate them'

to my father,

i really don't know if i should be thankful that you caused me to be born here. honestly, i hate you and you know the reasons why. i really really hate you! just one thing.. you don't need to be 'insecure' if you can't provide what we have now cos we're not what your family thinks of us. cos we know for a fact that you're our father and we have the responsibility to take care of you when you get old. the only reason i see why you're doing things we don't like is insecurity. so to you, please untie the knot with my mom, for everyone's good

to my auntie,

thank you for telling us what you think of my mom, i realized that you are a devil.. whatever apologies you gave us after you told that, it's never accepted. you don't have the right to tell negative things about my mom cos you don't know her and you don't know what my mother have done for us, neither the freedom to express what you feel cos we don't care!

to my uncle,

you're a bullshit!!!you pointed your finger on my face several times.. and that's truly unforgivable for me.

to the three of you,

all that you have is your principle in life which is inedible in the first place, do you think i and my two sisters can survive with that alone? come on!

we, are what we are now--- you can't change this! blame anyone else for such but we won't listen and our minds we're not poisoned by my mom and her family. we became what we are now cos you forced us to be.

thank you for the few things you gave us either intentionally or unwillingly. they are very much appreciated but goodbye. cos i'm so fucking tired of this situation and i wanted to have a life without any connections with you.


First day of my pharmaceutical manufacturing internship just started today.
Asian Antibiotics, Inc. a toll manufacturer of the United Laboratories, Inc. since production of antibiotics should be done in a separate building for some reasons stated at cGMP. just to give you guys a background of the company. i won't be doing a lecture here of the cGMP cos i don't want to increase your boredom. haha

A DOZEN of things i did today in the laboratory:

1. Lecture
3. eat
4. Lecture
6. eat
7. Lecture
9. Lecture

--all meals were free! just for this day.. not bad to compensate for the exams.
i'm expecting so much with this internship!! i wanted to learn more..
--i don't know what seems to be wrong with the place but i think i had a polyuria today.. but i'm not diabetic, that's for sure! just thought of sharing it. haha


Just another movie to share... this movie made my night!! an excellent romantic comedy that stars Ryan Reynolds and Sandra Bullock. These stars are better off both with comedy and drama.

Truly a movie that has a lot of humor to offer

after watching, felt so much regretful that i didn't watch this in cinema, but more of glad that i have watched it though! For those who haven't, take time to see this movie.. please, and thank you


feels so much excitement for internship this coming monday! no particular reason why, i just feel that way. but i think there is actually.. without me knowing consciously. i'm weird
romantic- drama movies are really good! i love watching such genre, well just close-second to science fiction type.

two movies i just watched recently. really a must-see!

this one made me thought "what if i'm a time traveler?" and weird things began striking my not so creative imagination.

feeling light while watching this, just the right mix for my young easy-to-get taste.
pardon me if you won't get to read any personal reviews with the movies i post, i'm not really a movie critic


April Fool's Day Realizations:
  1. i always think of the same girl everytime, guess i'm in love with her already.
  2. i'm finally over with the friend that i used to love for 5 years more or less, *sighs* thank God! i thought i wouldn't be able to get over her. but we're still good friends
  3. my mom loves us so much. i'm very grateful to have her as my mother. I love my mom, my 2 sis and my grandma so much!
  4. i wanna try new things cos it bores me actually seeing myself doing the same stuffs over and over again
  5. i can be a better me if i would want to...
why would a bunch of people adapt a term, generally for a certain academic batch, if it's actually meant only for their own circle of friends.. it's not that i care with it so much but it pisses me off somehow. my point is that they should name their group with something unique and specific for their own selves and not with a name that will actually include all, unfortunately even me who doesn't give a damn on them.