
Quezon Escapade : Graceland and Pueblo Por La Playa Resort

How can I forget to make an entry of this best summer ever with my college friends?!...

May 13-25, 2010. We left Manila at around 8pm.. and arrived at Graceland Estates and Country Club, Tayabas, Quezon by almost 12mn. The next morning, I and Nadine( the girl mentioned in my previoust post) got up early. She was cooking breakfast for us that time so I decided to help her a little though I know nothing much in cooking. After having breakfast, we decided to get ready and have some exercise. Biking! It's been years already since my last bike ride. Haha! Unfortunat
ely, a friend doesn't know how to bike so she was left at a bench. She was kind enough to take pictures of us while we're biking.. The place was really huge and nice. It was very peaceful and perfect if you want to have leisure time and relax,of course, away from the busy atmosphere of the city.
We had so much fun biking around the man-made lake. I think we went around the lake for about 3-4 times :). It was fun but tiring as well..
REST after biking.. On my right side is Julie, the one who doesn't know how to bike :D

My first jump-shot! This was truly remarkable for me. I turned out to look like a launching rocket here.

Next thing we did was to prepare for the beach. We went first to Nadine's house to have lunch and meet his little bro. We still waited for 2-3 hours before we headed to the beach cos two of our friends are just coming from Manila. We picked them up first in the bus terminal.
Nadine decided to bring us to Pueblo Por La Playa Resort in Pagbilao, Quezon since it's the nearest from their place and the beach that we were supposed to be going in needs a 30 minute boat ride before we got there, and sadly, no boat was available :(

This photo taken infront of the shuttle or some sort, that fetched us when we got to the entrance of the resort

The resort was really nice. It's a Mexican inspired type with cute villas and houses, infinity pool and white sand beach :) Though the beach would not be as deceiving as it is in the picture. Haha!

L-R: Kate,Karen,I,Miel,Nadine

Banana boat ride costs Php 6,000.00 per hour. Damn! It was expensive so we just took a photo with the Banana boat itself :D

L-R: Rain,Julie,Jett(Nadine's bro),Karen and I

Nadine's little bro was just like me when i was younger.. haha! 7 or 8 years ago :D I didn't miss this opportunity to spend some bonding time with him. Being close to him is like being close to his Ate's heart :D

Jett and I

And of course, bonding time with the girl I love should never be forgotten. Haha!

Nadine and I being sweet to each other under the sun :D (one of my friends told me)
This photo has been liked by 17 people and counting... :D

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